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No New Posts Antiquity Library

This room greets you as soon as you enter the arches of the Museum. Evie works here, in this one-roomed library full of some ten to fifteen shelves that brush the ceiling, and drawers loaded with ancient texts, literature, and references. Several long, glossy tables decorate the centre, presumably for scholarship.

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Through the back, one reaches Dr. Bey's office as well as a back storage room which houses archives and artifacts from various digs. Its entrance is a large stone arch, holds various objects of value such as sarcophoghi, statues, weapons, and some mummified corpses. It is lit by torches, and generally not open to the public.

1 6 Present: "Sometimes, I'd rather like to join them"
by Evie
Nov 3, 2006 10:39:37 GMT -5

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Museum of Antiquities
Subboards: The Library, Archives
Located in the commercial district of Cairo, Evie works in categorizing books in Dr. Terrence Bey's Museum of Antiquities. It is comprised of a library, various archive rooms, and offices.
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